Tuesday, 19 May 2015

me the type writer ~ole

Cita cita aku selalu berubah...
Ala biasa latu Kalau berubah ...macam LA Tampa tak pernh ubah cita cita
Tapi ye LA...mula2 nk jadi penyiasat lepas tengok detective Conan * masa kecik LA..
Then, nak jadi dragon rider Lol ....sebb tengok cerita kartun haha . pengaruh cerita kartun ya kawan kawan then...aku jadi Cikgu LA bomba LA..and so on...
But then , yg terbaru LA kan...hmmm penulis
OK...memang lawak Tapi ya LA...aku dah tulis satu cerpen 'nur iman' *ada kat blog Ni ya kawan2. One more on the way. Look forward for it OK? Hoho.Tapi based on true story and tokok tambah so...tak berapa boleh dipanggil true story ..hmmmm.
BTW, it's about someone I know and she trust me to write her story. Chaiyok! I'll try my best to write it and u know what? She read it and laughed.

I'm talented so....haha just kidding..jadi gediks jap.
APA APA pun I hope u can learn something from the short story that I wrote so that the time u spent to read it will  worth it. Enjoy :D

Sorry Kalau bi tunggang langgang and thank you sebab Baca ;)

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